Tuesday, February 7, 2012

P31 Challenge: Day 2

How is everyone doing today?

The boys and I met up with a friend at the library. Ira had a lot of fun, but it's not always the best environment for a 2-year old. I still love the opportunity to have those "teaching moments."

Let's get to it, shall we?

12 She brings him good, not harm, 

   all the days of her life. 

Yesterday, as I looked over today's passage and began thinking about what to write, I though to myself, "this is pretty self-explainitory." But I really began to ask God to show me what I can pull away from it.

I concluded that we should address the more practical ways we bring harm to our spouses. Since I am not convinced that the majority of women are chasing their husband around with a meat cleaver, I thought we would talk about our words. 

Here are some passages I found in conjunction with this topic: 

I recently heard someone say, "it is hard enough trying to change myself, much less someone else." And that's a valuable thing for us to learn. Do you know what happens when you try and try and try to fix those things about your spouse that you don't like? Nothing. like I said yesterday, when people feel defensive, they usually become rebellious. I would venture to say even more so in a marriage when a man feels his leadership being threatened. 

Living in a house with 2 other people who can look at my marriage from a distance can send me straight into this pattern real fast! The moment I feel like it's not perfect or someone might think less of either of us, I want to fix it. The "problem" is patience doesn't give me that instant gratification. 

Any result we get from nagging is like using a high-interest rate credit card. It's there, but I'm going to work twice as hard to feel like it's real. Instead, save up and cash in when the time is right. 

Pray for your husband! Not sometimes. Every day. He is making important choices. Every day. He is guiding your family. It's not easy and one big fall could cost you a lot. 

Be positive. Who wants to come home to Debbie Downer? I mean really? We even try to nag them to spend more time with us! (Anyone else see the irony there?) 

"The soothing tongue is a tree of life." 

If you're feeling frustrated, take a deep breath and JUST BE NICE. 

Showing the love-

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