Thursday, February 16, 2012

P31 Challenge: Day 11

Has anyone decided to be one day behind me? I was thinking it might not be a bad idea. My life is occasionally crazy, so you may have noticed, I post at pretty random times. If you are like me and stay up late for your down time, it probably doesn't bother you, but if you're into some sort of routine...? Just a thought.

I've actually really been looking forward to these passages! There was even a part of me yesterday that wished I could skip over verse 19 and jump into these 2 verses. I'm glad that wasn't an option, though. I feel like God showed me some stuff last night I wasn't expecting.

Today we're doing 2 verses to make sure we don't get behind by taking Sundays off.

20 She opens her arms to the poor 
   and extends her hands to the needy. 
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; 
for all of them are clothed in scarlet. 

Sometimes when I'm doing little house projects like making a pretty menu or thinking about making a scrapbook, I wonder if it's completely selfish to spend my time and money on these little things when there are people who don't even have a place to call home. 

I consider myself a conservative like most Christians do. That being said, I do not agree with the attitude that impoverished people put themselves in that situation and deserve the that lifestyle until they get up, get a job and contribute. I can see why people think that. At the same time, I disagree with helping the needy being the government's job. 

I believe that, scripturally, Christ has a heart for the poor. As the physical representation of Christ on Earth, we should have compassion toward the poor as well. 

Reading this brings me some peace of mind because I see that the Proverbs 31 Woman cares for those less fortunate while making no apologies for her financial success and stability. 

It's a concept that a lot of "prosperity" teachers manipulate to make Christians feel inadequate, but truthfully, we cannot be help others without the means of helping them. Sometimes that comes from understanding God's word and sharing the hope of Christ. To someone in need of basic things like food and shelter, however, having the financial ability to help is probably more relevant. 

When it comes to her family, the Proverbs 31 Woman has no problem clothing her family with the very best. There is no double standard here. By caring for her family, she is showing others what they have the potential to be by living a disciplined lifestyle. I don't know a better way to show someone hope than to let them see what God has done in your life. It's not about being flashy, it's about being real with people. 

I know one day I will be able to tell someone, we were living on very little and had to give up our house to push forward, but God took all of our short-comings and turned them into something beautiful.   Just that thought stirs up so much gratitude, don't you think? 

Thankful for Provision- 

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