From the time Allen leaves the house to the time he gets home, I run the show around here. Every diaper, every meal, every tear, every correction- they're my responsibility.
I love that I get to be at home with my boys. It's what makes sense for us, and I feel really blessed to do it. But sometimes I do feel a little less than appreciated. Like when my family comes home and says "this house looks the same as it did when I left." Not realizing that I had to work on keeping it that way. They didn't see the pile of toys Ira dumped out that I helped him clean up, or the crumbs he left all over the table that I had to wipe off. The loads of laundry that have been washed, dried, folded and put away. They sometimes don't see what goes on in between.
It's not a complaint. I understand that nobody can read minds or know what happened when they weren't there. My point today is what we mamas do in that time. Do we shrug it off and think "he'll never know the difference," or take our sweet time getting around to things because no body's watching? Or do we rise to the occasion to excel in our daily lives, knowing that it's important work and God can still develop our character at home, doing housework and caring for children?
The in between is important. Listen to what God said to Samuel in his search for Saul's replacement, "...Man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." I Samuel 16:7b
1 Samuel 16:7
These are the teaching moments God has set in place for us. I know He's got big plans for every one of us here- reaching the World for Christ is no easy feat. So let's make it count. Even if we don't get the recognition, God sees it all. The servant hood, the perseverance, the giving of yourself joyfully. It all counts for something. When we change the way we look at it, and forgive our families for their humanity, we will start having better days and truly enjoying what we do.
Because today is what separates my past from my future-
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