I'm all about making things from scratch. For one, it usually comes out cheaper. It also makes me feel like I can handle just as much as women from the past that didn't have the conveniences we do. But.. HELLO! It's not like I'm willing to go hand wash my clothes in a bucket or draw water from a well. It's ok to enjoy things that we have that they didn't. They would have. Not to mention that we have a lot going on in our world.
We have created for ourselves busy lifestyles. Bigger houses means more cleaning. All the smart phones and ipads and ways to be everywhere at once means being everywhere at once. We've got our own challenges. So here's what I'm proposing:
Here are some things we keep in our kitchen, and I use them happily. Guilt free.
1. Bisquik- I was all out this morning and decided to make biscuits from scratch.. I missed my bisquik. It's just so simple.
2. Par-Boiled rice. I hate cooking rice. I never get it right. Too hard, too soft.. It drives me nuts! Par boiled rice seems to be that perfect balance between minute rice and raw.
3. Pressure cooker! Oh how I love my pressure cooker. I will now sing the praises of it:
CHEH CHEH CHEH, CHEH CHEH CHEH, CHECH CHECH CHEH CHEH... (that was to the tune of Shake Your Booty..) No, but really. I can cook a pot of beans in about an hour as opposed to the all day venture using a crock pot. If you don't have one, buy one. Just respect the pressure cooker. Don't be afraid.. just respect.
4. Salad Mix. Ok I love the Caesar salad mix from walmart. It's so easy to just open the package, toss around the lettuce with the Parmesan cheese and dressing and then top it with the croutons. No hassle. It's the perfect impromptu side dish.
5. Food processor. When I was killing myself trying to dice little grape tomatoes I had this "Aha" moment. Just use the chopper! plug it in, chop, rinse. Done. I can totally avoid: my fingers having a near-death experience, my eyes tearing from onions, and the hot chile stuff seeping into my skin (and then my eyes.)
So there you have it.
Go forth and Chill Out-
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