Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Letter to the Devil,

The things you do to get under my skin. I decided it's time to write you, rather than continuing to be passive-aggressive about the way I see things here.

First off, my kids are off limits. Don't even think about it. I will spend more time praying for and with them everyday. Every. Day. Jesus' blood covers our home, don't let the door hit you on your way out.

As for my husband. I see the things you are trying with him. The past hurts, the present failures. All I can say is this, if he wasn't a threat to you, you wouldn't be trying so hard to slow him down. I know he was created with a purpose, and he will do more with his life than you've been able to do with your misery.

I'm sure it enrages you to think about the fact that we have already won. It was spoken, you burn, we live. So you can back off. You can take this as an official statement: As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

My writing, God will use it to change lives and deliver hope. Writing has been doing that for a while now (you may have noticed.) Despite your best efforts, you haven't been able to extinguish the power of the word made flesh, so I'm confident you will consistently fail at any other attempts to bring down the thing I do best.

As for our families, the patterns stop with us. The bad habits and the ability to completely ignore God's voice, I'm over it. I know when He speaks, and not to be proud here, but,  I'm going to listen. The best part? When I fail, you no longer have the prerogative to bring feelings of guilt and shame, because I know I'm covered by Grace.

Fear- I know it's something you operate in, but it's also a lie. From anxiety and paranoia to chills-up-your-spine terror, I'm over it. In releasing control and trusting God fully, I know that fear and worry will do me no good.

I will spend the rest of my life helping people escape your snares, in hopes of them living their lives joyfully and spending eternity with their Creator. And the lines you keep blurring between religion and relationship? Guess what? I'm making it my personal goal to set things straight, through the Spirit within me showing me all the flaws in your doctrine of confusion.

So learn my name. Learn to run when you hear it, because the same one that defeated you at the cross lives in me.

Sincerely HIS (not yours)-

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