Monday, January 16, 2012


I have a big problem listening.

I'm not entirely sure if I developed this skill over years of listening to "Bible Thumpers" telling me that women don't belong in God's plans, or if perhaps, it was my father slewing together hours of lectures in hopes of me somehow overcoming human nature and obtaining perfection.

I can't pinpoint the day I learned to roll my eyes as a silent way of saying "I just stopped listening, you're wasting your breath," but it is something I have carried into adulthood.

Into my marriage.

Into my walk with God!

It's really unfortunate that I am only recognizing it now. If I would have cared 10 years ago, I'm pretty sure I could have not just skated through school and actually graduated with an impressive GPA. I really don't think I'm dense. I think I have just trained myself to pick out broad themes and general ideas instead of really paying attention.

The time has come in my life for me to just listen.

I think deciding to listen to my dad would be maybe step 12 of the program. I'm starting with really listening to God. I know He has called me to write, so I am. I'm taking my time to make this little blog of mine radiate who I am in Christ.

I don't think I'm always the best writer, I probably have some grammatical errors that drive some people CRAZY! (Moses had a stutter.. it's just the way He does things.)  But I am going to focus on improving. I am going to be raw and vulnerable here.

I don't write because I think I'm better. I write because it's where I feel at home. It's my best way to relate to people.

There you have it. I'm not going to be too intimidated to be real here anymore, and hopefully that will mean a bit more consistency in my postings.

and hopefully, you can all feel welcome here. I might not be the best host, but I certainly am genuine.

Come on in-


1 comment:

  1. Good to hear! I'm super proud of you. I've obviously struggled with the same issues too.
