Thursday, July 19, 2012


At the moment I've got the TV on for the sake of drowning out the little one crying. He has a hard time being comforted by anyone but me, so we're trying to help him adjust. I feel like barging in and saving the day. It breaks my heart to hear him cry when I know I could stop it, but it's ok. He's ok. He's healthy, safe and loved.

Has anyone heard the story of Jaycee Duggard?
Kidnapped, held against her will for over 18 years, mistreated, used, abused. She gave birth to 2 children (as a result of the abuse) in a backyard. The first at age 14. Breastfed for a period of 6 years total. All the while her abuser was on parole. REALLY!? This story made my stomach turn, my heart ache and my blood boil. But after watching the way she conducted herself during a recent interview, her reflections on what she went threw, I was astonished at her poise. She was completely positive about her future, the love she has for her kids, and actually comforted her mother about regrets she had from that day.

We tend to stress about the little glitches in our day. The little things. I know I, as a SAHM, tend to get into a rut sometimes because I feel lonely or stuck in the same day-to-day thing. But when I think of this story, all I can think is, "if she can have joy and purpose after all that, I have no excuse to complain."

When we put into perspective that HEY! Our kids have food, clothes, a warm bed and people that love them, we can be thankful and joyful even in what feels like chaos. We have all we need and more. I know it's a topic we all talk about from time to time, but I just really felt the need to say it again. Life is good! Let the little things go. And for goodness sake! tell the people you love how much you love them!

Our families are usually the first people we snap at when we're feeling short tempered, but let's try and remember that these are the ones that know us best and need us the most. Show them you love them. My family makes me pretty crazy. Lately every time I feel my mind going into grumble mode, I tell myself, "do unto others...." It keeps me from feeling annoyed by every little thing. Maybe that's because it reminds me of my own humanity. Maybe it's because I realize I want to treat them better. I know God gave us this commandment because he knew it would benefit everyone involved.

As I would have them do to me-

P.S. Allen got Asher to sleep (Daddy FTW!!)